/05-26 10:03/国际旅游660大觉寺,省级文物保护单位。位于古城东南,大觉寺本名“普照寺”,寺中浮屠“海丰塔”,原名“普照寺舍利宝塔”,唐贞观十三年建。唐开元年间,普照寺易名开元寺。明初,无棣改名为海丰县,“普照寺”又改称“大觉寺”,塔遂有“大觉寺塔、海丰塔”之名,沿用至今。大觉寺与海丰塔自创建,历五代、宋元兴废,明清相继重建、修葺,寺内殿宇宏丽,松柏翠映,碑石林立,文风盎然。其“丛林塔影”为无棣旧八景之首。
Dajue Temple: This temple is a protected provincial historic site. Lying southeast of the old town, this temple was originally named Puzhao Temple while Haifeng Stupa was known as Sarira Stupa, The stupa was erected in the 13th year of Zhenguan period of the Tang dynasty and later named after Kaiyuan, Emperor Xuanzong’s period title. In the early Ming dynasty, the town became Haifeng county and the temple became Dajue Temple as well. Today the temple and stupa names remain unchanged. After their completion, the temple and stupa thrived in the Five Dynasties and Song dynasty, but were dilapidated in the Yuan dynasty. Thanks to the reconstruction in Ming and Qing dynasties, the old temple once more had stately halls, verdant pines and cypresses and upright steles. Previously, “Stupa Over the Verdant Grove” was reputed as one of Wudi’s Top 8 Scenic Views.