父子进士厅为吴氏家族接放圣旨、诰命的主厅。 “父子进士”是对吴氏十一世传人吴自肃(康熙甲辰科进士第)及其仲子吴象宽(雍正癸卯科进士第)两代殿试中式的褒扬。据《吴氏世德录》、《吴氏族谱》记载,吴氏家族先后产生了9名进士, 家乘宝典有“祖孙父子叔侄兄弟进士之家”的印宝,可谓名副其实。
The Hall of Dual Presented Scholars: As its name tells, this hall is the place where the clan received imperial edicts or orders. The dual presented scholars refer to the clan’s 11th grandson Wu Zisu and his second son Wu Xiangkuan. The record of the clan’s virtue and the genealogy claim that the clan had produced 9 presented scholars, as evidenced by a seal.